Thursday, April 15, 2010

Health and Fitness

From the ancient ages man realized the necessity of staying healthy and thus employed nature’s own treasure in fighting with diseases and for staying fit. In India it was yoga, ayurveda and naturopathy in which the Indian sages found the answers for natural therapies. Now a day staying healthy just not only means the “absence of sickness” but it’s an all-comprising expression, which illustrates a healthy body, the abode of the healthy mind. The Indian potions are perfect to achieve this end.


Ayurveda, an essential part of health & fitness, is the art of living in harmony with the laws of nature. Ayurvedic living occurs when you recognize your basic nature and live according to this true self. In Ayurveda there are eight divisions of treatments for a healthy living. You will learn more about the different treatments for health & fitness and also the various diagnosis processes in Ayurveda. Learn the evolution, principles much more about Ayurveda.


Homeopathy is the youngest and budding medical faculty for health & fitness. It is modern not only by its virtue of being young, but more significantly by the revolutionary medical philosophy that supports this health science. The faculty is surmounting some of the orthodox concepts and out dated practices in health & fitness. Homeopathy is turning more scientific, more authentic, more user friendly and more effective.


Meditation is a way of attaining spiritual bliss and peace for healthy living & fitness. Meditation requires a basic understanding that helps in practicing meditation in a better way. Every culture and tradition has its own distinct and exclusive styles of practicing meditation. A Right Meditation Posture plays a very important role for health & fitness. It is extremely important in the practice of Meditation as it not only keeps you alert but also benefits the body in a number of ways.


Nature Cure is an art and science of healthy living and a drugless system of healing based on well founded philosophy. It has its own concept of health and fitness and also principles of treatment. Nature Cure is rightly defined as a system of man building in harmony with constructive principles of Nature on physical, mental, moral and spiritual planes of living.


Yoga means "union" and aims at the realization of the unity of our whole being. It is a Hindu discipline aimed at achieving a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility. In the West, the term is most commonly understood as the physical exercises that are practiced as part of this discipline.Human health & fitness depends not only on the adequate supply of nourishing elements but also on the internal secretions of the endocrine glands. In maintaining health & fitness , yogic exercises have been found to be excellent exercises . The pituitary and the pineal glands are best taken care of by Sirsasana. So far as the adrenals are concerned, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Uddiyana and Nauli are capable of preserving your health and fitness.

Health and Fitness Make the Difference Between Living Well and Living

Quality of life is what we all want. Good health helps us achieve a high quality of life. Fitness makes us want to live it every day. If you agree with these three premises, keep reading.

The Purpose of Health and Fitness Tips

To inform you of new developments in the health and fitness fields is our aim. We'll do the research; we have the resources. You get the results. The name of the game is 'current' and 'relevant' for today. Forget all the excess baggage of the so-called fitness gurus.

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While we know you are interested in becoming healthier and fitter or maintaining the health and fitness you have, we also know you have limited time to devote to it. We therefore pledge to you a fast, simple method to hop aboard the fitness fast train. Get on track with the facts.

Health Professionals, Medical Doctors and Health and Fitness Writers and Editors Make Up Our Staff

Our staff experience in the booming Health and Fitness field adds up to more than 100 years. Not that anyone is age 100 or even close, but we all plan to live that long. We want to make sure we have company. So we invite you along for the ride. We'll spur you on and help you over the rough spots to your own fitness destination.

Diet and Exercise are Keys to Healthy Living

But you know all this. So our aim is to give you the shortcuts, the little-known tricks and proven methods to help prevent boredom and hopelessness in your quest for good health. Our high tech world has advanced in the fitness field also. In fact, so fast that we want to get the information out to you yesterday. That's what the Health and Fitness Tips Site is all about…the latest up-to-the-minute-in-the-zone information for your health and fitness.

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